Queendom Bookworm Library - A Ready-Made Amish Family Book 5

 A Ready-Made Amish Family

A Ready-Made Amish Family: Book 5

The story seems all over the place. There was a lot of emotional instability, which is understanding, considering the story. The ending of the book was predictable. I believe this happens in any romance novel. Of all the Amish novels I've read, I'm amazed at the lack of Scriptures this particular novel had. 

There were a few moments of reflection in this book. Isaiah, Clara, and the orphaned children have a lot of emotional hurt that needs to be healed. However, the novel focused more on the kids' inability to laugh, which I found myself impatient about. 

Although it was nerve-wracking to know who decided to tell the children it was not okay to laugh, the discovery was common sense, but I couldn't grasp it. This made the story a bit suspenseful. 

Because the story, to me, felt all over the place, I give this book a...

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