Coping With Illness: Finding Strength in Faith


Have you noticed how Covid is making a comeback, and people around us are getting sick again? It got me thinking about how people deal with these situations. Everyone's got their own way, right? We've all faced tough times before, and we tackled them in our own unique ways. Some people lean heavily on faith, trusting that if God pulled them through before, He can do it again. Others might approach it like it's their first rodeo, without the baggage of past struggles. 

What I am getting at is, that no matter how fit or healthy we are, life can throw curveballs at any moment. Hardships sneak up on us, and the lessons from our past should prepare us for what's coming. Life experiences are like our training ground for facing future battles. 

Let's dig into a couple of scenarios to see how people deal:

Scenario #1: When Prayer Is The Only Energy Left

Imagine a dad in the hospital, too weak to even think about praying. In times like that, silent prayers still count. It's the belief that God hears the unspoken, understanding the heart even when words can't express it. 

Scenario #2: Wrestling With Life's Unfair Turns

Now, think of a mom wondering why everything's going haywire when she's just trying to live a peaceful life. She's facing sickness in her family, including Covid, so she thinks this is a personal attack. The key here is realizing that sometimes, we can't do it all on our own. Some things need to be handed over to God. 

Both scenarios call for healing prayers -- for the body, mind, and soul. Ever heard of Jeremiah 17:14? It's a call for healing and salvation, a reminder to praise God because His love "endures forever" (Psalm 136).

So, let's take a moment to pray. For those on sickbeds (Psalm 41:3), for the sick to rise through faith (James 5:15), and for everyone to be in good health (3 John 1:2).

Here's to hoping our prayers bring comfort and healing -- not just physically, but in the deepest part also. 

In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

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